Friday, January 23, 2009

Will Your Children Remember? (Part II)

How many children, around the globe, now, will not get to remember anything about Obama's tenure as President of the United States of America because of the lift on banning government funding to international organizations that promote abortion or counsel women to seek abortions?

I realize that this debate goes down every time a new party is in Office, but still, why can we not see life for what it is worth?

My heart is heavy thinking about the implications that this new executive power has... at least for the next four years, America will not be an advocate for children nor for ethics.

Again, the arguments in my head for moving to New Zealand roll in my head like thunder.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Will Your Children Remember?

I don't know how many times in my life I will hear the question "Where were you when the Towers fell on September 11th?" This is, I guess, my generation's version of "Where were you when President Kennedy was assassinated?" No doubt, after tomorrow's inauguration of our nation's 44th president, the question will be "Where were you when Obama made history?" This question may just be asked several times in his presidency, as we look at new policies and how he will deal with the economy as well as foreign policies.

Bigger than any of these questions, though, and much more important than whether or not your child will remember where they were when President-elect Obama dropped the "elect" from his title, is will your children remember the influence for Christ that you had in their lives. More important than any political ideology or leader, more important than our nation's first black president, more important than any simple slogans to be repeated by the masses ("Hope. Change."), we must teach our children about faith and, even more importantly, live those tenants out for them to see and emulate.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bring Back the Fireside Chat

2009 will certainly be a year for change for many things: our economy is going to improve, new big government items are going to be brought into being, the Church is going to continue to grow and worship and bring more people into the community of Christ, Israel will grow in strength (I pray), and many people around the globe will view Obama even more as a sort of saviour.

When it comes to Obama, I've been quite critical of how many things he has copied from his predecessors in the Presidency. Many of his ideas are not original, at all, and have been copied from those who have gone before him. Evidently, though, a lot of his ideas have come from the presidency of FDR, the "New Deal"er, and a fellow Socialist (although Obama is of the neo- variety). If he's going to take one cue from FDR, though, I genuinely hope it's this: bring back the "Fireside Chat."

I know that our society and even culture have moved forward quite a bit since the days of FDR encouraging his people over the radio, but how many modes of communication does Obama have to utilize that haven't been done since the time of FDR? I don't know about most, but I think the idea of our president speaking to his people several times per week is a great idea. Even if I don't agree with a lot of his policies, I think that most people would feel more "in the loop" if more communication directly with the people, rather than through press conferences and whatnot, were carried out through different mediums.

2009 will certainly see me doing a better job of communicating with those who support Carrie and I, as well as just with our loved ones. If you're perusing this blog, then chances are, you may just very well be in that group; here are some ways we can stay in touch:
   1. this blog
   2. Facebook
   3. Brite Kite
   4. Twitter (probably my favorite form)
   5. better phone calls
   6. (although it's quite impersonal) texting
   7. email, email, email