Monday, March 31, 2008


There are certain times in life when God commands us to do something and we, without fail, give Him the "Say what?!!" response. I know that there have been several of these instances in my life, from Him telling me that football wasn't what I was supposed to do at university (He led me to something infinitely better - rugby) to the fact that I wasn't supposed to pursue a degree in biochemistry any longer to His constant reassurance that everything was for His glory as my mom succumbed to terminal cancer. In all of these things, after the initial questioning of God's goodness to His children and attempts to do things on my own,  I came to see how good it is to obey what the Lord commands.

As I sat in the lush garden at the pool area in Monte Compania outside of San Jose, Costa Rica, the scripture that I had gone over that morning with several of our high school students on the mission trip with NEXT kept echoing in my mind. I Samuel 15 is a hard chapter for many people, especially those who might call themselves "Emergent," "seeker-sensitive," or even good-ol' "post-Modern," in the sense of what God commands from His people, namely the king who He has set over the nation of Israel (Saul). Our infantile minds simply cannot comprehend why God would do something like wiping out a people known as the Amalekites. Nonetheless, that is exactly what He demands from Saul and the people of Israel.

Saul goes down to wipe out the people, and for the most part does, choosing to bring back their king, Agag, as well as the best of the spoils of war, namely the prized livestock of the Amalekites. But, Saul didn't carry out exactly what the Lord had commanded. "'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have.'" All that they have? Saul brings back their king and their livestock as a sort of blessing for himself. He even goes so far as to set up a monument to himself at a place called Carmel!

The real moral of the story lies in what the prophet Samuel tells King Saul in 15v.22: "'Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.'"

My wife and I have heard the Lord's calling on our lives for some time. Even before we were married, we knew that our ultimate calling was to become missionaries and see the world rocked even more with the Gospel. Our hearts beat for Asia, especially the southeastern portions of that vast continent. We are so incredibly excited about what God has in store for us in the next few years. 

But, at the same time, it is tempting to stay where we are most comfortable. Laura Kate's grandparents are all here in Lubbock. We love our church. We love ministering to the families and especially the kids who are under our care. We love our CORE Group and the friends that we've made there. We love the fact that at any time, we can drive a couple miles and walk around the beautiful grounds of our alma mater (Texas Tech). There is a lot to enjoy here in Lubbock. And yet, we know that to stay here, where we are most comfortable, would be a tragedy in that we would be setting our own plans and ourselves about the One we worship and live for.

Although it's hard (and it's an incredibly hard season, right now), we know what the Lord has commanded. Who are we to disobey the One who has given us so much in life? Obey what the Lord demands, follow where he leads, reach those who He uses you to reach.

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