Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thoughts on a Quarter Century

Yesterday was quite a birthday. My incredible wife planned out a surprise party involving my youth kiddos, we got to have staff lunch (although, in retrospect, I should have chose another eatery that I had not been to... just wanted something new, now that I've tried that one place, I'll never go back), and it was a sweet Wednesday night to end my tenure at Turning Point on (still have a couple Sundays, though!).

I praise God for allowing me 25 years to live for Him (although not all of them were devoted to Him), and I pray for many more to come. I praise God for the things that He has already taught me in my relatively young life. I praise God for my family, my friends, and yes, even my "enemies" who make me push harder and harder to study Truth and teach it to students. I praise God for continually being in control of my life, a sovereign God who is mighty to save. I praise Him for being the One before time, who has known me from the womb, and who continues to direct my path.

25... a quarter of a century... seems like quite a while... yet, I know that these next 25 years (God willing) will come and go just as fast as the first 25. "Man is but a vapor..." I want to be the heavy sort.

1 comment:

Andy Wood said...

Dang straight they go by fast! Just wait 'til your month-old is your 25-year-old with a month old of her own!