Monday, September 15, 2008

Bushido Intro

I'm pretty sure that I speak for the vast majority of men when I say that we love, and I do mean LOVE, having heroes (especially historical ones) who we can look back on and see a true commitment to what it means to be a man. Whether that be William Wallace, Winston Churchill, King David, or Andrew Jackson, we all have certain men who we can look back at and think, "Wow... I wish I could be more like that guy." Sadly, though, we live in an age where people have stopped really "thinking" about most things, period, so the idea of thinking about heroes in any sense than, "What a cool guy!" is a bit foreign to many men. This could be just one reason why men don't act like men should. But, I must say that there is great value in looking back, studying, and appreciating those who have gone before us, and seeing what qualities they lived out that we would do well to add or refine more in our lives.

There are several blogs and websites that I frequent almost on a daily basis. The official website for the New Zealand All-Blacks, Pyromaniacs, Facebook, Providence Church, City on a Hill Albequerque and a few others are on that list. One site / blog that I've just added to the daily list is called "The Art of Manliness." In a recent blog article, they talk about the Bushido Code. If you don't know, this is basically the code that ruled a Samurai's life in feudal Japan (not many men still really live by this code). There are eight main points, and I want to look at each one individually and how still very relevant these things are.

The Bushido Code is as follows:
1. Rectitude / Justice
2. Courage
3. Benevolence / Mercy
4. Politeness
5. Honesty / Sincerity
6. Honor
7. Loyalty
8. Character / Self-Control

Although these are things that men, globally, should probably live out, I want to look at how we, as Christian men, live them out from a Biblical perpective. Stay tuned for more...


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