Monday, September 22, 2008


Jeremiah 22v.3 says, "Thus says the Lord: Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place."

The idea of "justice" has become more of a post-Modern, "Do what you think is right." statement in the world that we live in. Whatever the individual thinks about justice MUST be justified, right? I mean, that's there personal stance. And yet, how much injustice runs rampant throughout the world based on these flimsy ideas of everyone coming up with their own idea of what real justice is?

Justice is something that far too many of us won't take a stand for, for fear that the injust could come back around on us. We are weak and pathetic little people. The whole "...deliver from the hand of the oppressor..." part of Scripture gets left out of our lives because so many of our lives are based entirely on fear.

And yet, we are the most blessed BECAUSE OF injustice. It was not "just" (humanly speaking) that Christ should die for us. It was not "just" that He took the place of His elect. What is just is that the wages of sin is death, eternal damnation and separation from God, and that we're all headed to Hell without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

So, yes, fight against those who rob, murder, kill and steal. Take a stand against SOMETHING! And give thanks that we are not justified of our own merit, but rather by Jesus Christ. 

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